CVMA® Chapter 32-4

11th Annual Vets Helping Vets pending


Our Mission

We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care facilities provide a warm meal, clothing, shelter, and guidance, or simply to say “Thank You.” and “Welcome Home.”


Who are We?

Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service), Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans), and Auxiliary (spouses of full members). We have members from nearly all 50 states and living abroad. Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now.


What Do We Do?

We sponsor and/or participate in many motorcycle-related charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran care facilities and veteran charities. 

We are a local Chapter of a national organization comprised of combat veterans from the U.S. Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby.

Our Chapter’s mission is to help veterans who need a hand or to simply to say “Welcome Home”.

Examples demonstrating our commitment to veterans in need are:

  • We promote patriotism, honor and selfless service.

  • We provide some basic necessities for homeless veterans.

  • We donate food baskets for active duty service member families in need.

  • We work with veterans facilities to assist veterans who need help.

  • We provide meals for hungry veterans.

  • We help connect veterans with potential employers for job opportunities.

  • We support memorial services to honor fallen veterans.

  • We raise funds to assist veterans with overwhelming medical bills.

  • We provide short term rent assistance to needy veteran families.

  • We promote motorcycle safety … and much, much more!

We are a 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt, non-profit organization which means that your donations are 100% tax deductible. Our tax ID is 
99-3393380 and our proof of tax exemption can be found here.
